Sin leads to sin. •Sin turned the best of creatures into demons, and makes reprobate men to be called devils. •It was because of sin that God conceived the thought of hell and of sending men there. •Sin made God to forsake God. The God-head in Christ was abandoned by the Father when He on the cross took the sins of the world. •Nothing else can kill God in man's life, but sin did. •Sin made God to drown the generation of Noah (the whole world) into deluge or flood, sparing only eight persons (Noah and his household). •Sin is not just sin, it exceeds sinfulness. •One man's sin can destroy a whole community, nation, people and even the visible church of Christ. •This accursed thing, turns guarding angels into slaying angels. •Sin drove our first parents ( Adam and Eve) from the garden of Eden into wilderness of waste, misery and pain. •Sin leads to more sins. It does not lead to repentance, rather it hardens the heart of...