By Bro Gbile Akanni

                It is a great privilege to be young. Being young comes only once in the life time. 
What should I know about this stage in my life? 
1) The time of youth is a period of making choices; choices that will mark your life out for greatness or choices that will mark your life out for destruction or failure. 
2) Whether those choices were made consciously or unconsciously, they are often irreversible. This time is also a time for laying the foundation for every aspect of your life. 
3) it is also a time for warfare. You either choose God or Satan. 

             Not many things excite people who are already old, especially if it is coming from a young man. 
              Dreams are from the past. Visions are from the future. Old men are dreamers of what they could have done better, young men are men of the future, they see what is possible ahead of them in life. 

               This time of your youth is not a time to be cosmetic or plastic, floating through life as if you are in a dream, but rather a time to be deliberate, authentic and realistic with choices. 

               In this stage, certain things happen to you that you yourself are some times surprised about. One significant thing that surprise you, when you become a youth is how you started querying everything your father or mother told you as a child. 
               This is the age of personal choices. It is usually the time of inner crises. At this time, there is a fierce battle for your mind, your focus, and your affections as a young person.  

                              THE ENEMY'S TARGET:
1) The first is that, he has come to know that this is the time of foundation laying. 
2) He knows that there are certain things peculiar to you as a young person. It is the time that the permanence of character and direction is established. 
3) The devil knows that everything that will become your future and destiny is rooted in your youths. This is why you are faced with all kinds of conflicts, temptations and troubles. 

              This is the age of curiosity and inquisitiveness, when you want to try out things and experience how they feel. It is also the point of seeking personal expression. 
               The unfortunate thing about the battle for the young is that, the devil does not allow the young person to look ahead. He blinds your eyes as a young man to think that life ends at the time of your youth. Therefore when you should have taken a decision with the future in mind, you are deceived into concentrating on the present. 

                 There is a fresh ground before you right now as a young person, which is been contested for. If you give the devil that ground, you may never get it again. 

 Ecclesiastes  12 vs 1, "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”. 


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